Our specialist family lawyers in Cardiff advise on the biggest mistakes to avoid during your divorce.

Many people don’t think about the practicalities of divorce and how or when they should start the process. Coming to terms with separating is one thing, but the prospect of divorce can be even more daunting.
Our specialist family lawyers in South Wales unveil their 5 mistakes to avoid in divorce.
1. Taking legal advice from friends or family
Our divorce solicitors believe one of the most common mistakes during divorce is taking legal advice from friends or family. Although it is important to seek emotional support from loved ones, you should not rely on them for legal advice.
This is because every separation is different, and every divorcing couple will have different circumstances. Advice that your friend was given could be the completely wrong advice for your particular situation. Only a family law specialist will be able to provide you with advice on your case. Failing to obtain tailored advice could leave you financially vulnerable.
2. Not obtaining a financial order
Another common mistake which our family lawyers experience are couples failing to sort out the financial aspects of the divorce. Many couples believe that once you receive your final order for divorce (formerly known as decree absolute) this ends all ties between you and your spouse.
Although obtaining your final divorce order (decree absolute) means you are no longer divorced, this does not sever the financial ties between you and your ex-partner.
To ensure both partners are protected, it is important to obtain a financial order – even if there are no assets to divide. If you do not obtain a financial order, it will always be open to each of you to make a financial claim upon the other.
3. Involving the Children
Whilst you have to talk to your children about your divorce, it is important that you don’t put your children in the middle. Children should be supported through the divorce and offered stability so that they can adjust to the changes that will come.
It is common for some to overly involve the children by discussing adult issues with them, or worse, bad-mouthing the other parent.
Research suggests that it is becoming increasingly common for parents to belittle the other parent to the child, which can do significant damage to child’s mental health. Divorce & Young People’s Mental Health | Parent Guide | YoungMinds
4. Attempting to divorce without legal help
A further common mistake our family lawyers witness is individuals attempting to divorce their spouse alone without the help of specialist family law professionals. This is becoming increasingly common since the introduction of the streamlined ‘no fault’ divorce process introduced in England and Wales.
Divorce is a complex process and there are many aspects which you may not be aware of. Failing to seek specialist family law advice could leave you making costly and harmful mistakes.
5. Remarrying before a financial order
Most people are aware that before you can remarry you need have your final divorce order (decree absolute). However, many people don’t know that remarrying before a financial order is in place can have a significant impact upon their financial circumstances.
If you remarry before obtaining a financial order then you will not be able to apply in the future for financial provision from your ex-partner.
This means that you will not be able to claim upon any of your ex-partner’s assets which you would have normally been entitled to.
If you would like advice on relationship breakdown or divorce please contact our specialist divorce solicitors – Cardiff. Contact First Line Family Law by Telephone or Email